23 May 2014

Review: Beuberry Poppy green & Barbie Puffy 3 tone blue

This review is something I wanted to do a loooong time ago. Since there aren't that many circle lens reviews on green eyes (or light eyes in general), I thought this might help someone. I am not getting paid for doing this and lenses are bought with 100% my own money so this was made of my own accord. I must apologize for bad pictures, taking photos with flash was difficult and also for some reason my focusing didn't turn out that well. First of all, here is a photo of my natural green eye color.

1st: G&G Shinny Aqua blue (= Barbie Puffy 3 tone blue)

Diameter: 16.5mm
Base curve: 8.6
Water content: 38%
Replacement period: 12 months

Color & design:
Perfect! I wanted to get blue lenses but it's hard to find ones that would match with my green eyes. These instead blend really well to one's natural eye color and they also look very natural. I usually prefer lenses with tiny black rim, but in my opinion these are just fine without. Color is nice and bright, it pops out but not too much to make my eyes look overly fake.

one lens in
They are claimed to be 16mm lenses with 17mm effect. My eyes sure do look a bit larger, but I'd probably say the're more like 15mm or so. Without black rim they do not enlarge as much as I wish but if you're looking for natural eyes rather than fake&gay, these are the lenses to go.


When I first put them on it felt like my lower lids were on fire. It still takes my eyes some time to get used to them, but after that they feel like nothing. When I went to ESC, I had to wear these 17 hours continuously (I don't recommend doing so) and didn't feel fuzzy at all. So if I know there won't be a chance to take my lenses off for a while, these are my trusted friends.

Great lenses, after my eyes get used to them. They look very natural and their vivid color blends well to your own eye color.

herp derp flash

2nd pair: Beuberry Poppy Green

Diameter: 16mm
Base curve: 8.6
Water content: 55%
Replacement period: 12 months

Color & design:
Finding a perfect match for my eye color is difficult, but I think this is quite close! Even though the green is colder than mine, they blend really well. Unfortunately these lenses are quite dark (especially in indoor light) and I'm not sure how well this great design would show off on darker eyes. But I am very pleased. Black rim makes my eyes look extremely huge and in my opinion the color still looks somewhat natural.

one lens in
Size is told to be 16mm and that's pretty much how they appear to be. The effect given by these lenses is amazing! just enough to make people look twice ^^ What else can I say? I love them.

I've had some bad experience with circle lenses before and after that these felt like angels' whispers on my eyeballs. Due to their high water content (55%) I can recommend them for dry-eyed people as well. One day I forgot to put lens solution to their case, but some liquid revived them overnight and they are as good as new! I've also been wearing them up to +12 hours continuously (recommendation is 6-8h) and I still haven't got cancer. Ofc because they are so.. watery, they are a bit thicker than average lenses, so I can clearly feel them when blinking. Also they aren't the ideal ones to wear during the wintertime (at least if it's -25c like here) because they are so huge and it felt like my eyes were freezing D:

derpy flash
I think these lenses are great if used in accordance with the instructions. They look natural, yet dolly and the color pops out at least on light eyes. So far my favorite lenses, 5/5 would recommend.

My first ever review, how bad is it? Not something that I would normally post but I wish you enjoyed anyways.


  1. Oon tosi pitkään halunnut tollaset "silmiä suurentavat" piilarit, mutta kun on oikeestikin tarvetta piilareihin, niin en oikein voi ostaa (kun en haluais pitää rillejä yhtä aikaa) :(
    Otitko noi kuvat muuten ihan kameralla vai kännykällä? Koska itse olen tosi huono kuvaamaan omia silmiäni läheltä, ne menee aina kiinni, kun kuulen sen räpsähdysäänen kameran sulkijasta. :D

    1. Circle lenssejä saa myös vahvuuksilla, ainakin näitä mitä mulla on olen löytänyt aina -10 vahvuuksiin saakka. Mulla itselläni on myös silmälasit, mutta piilarit ilman vahvuuksia, joten käytän niitä sitten päällekkäin kun täytyy nähdä jotain ^^' Nää kuvat otin kameralla, koska kännykän kuvista tulee harmahtavia. Et ole ainoa jolla on silmänkuvausvaikeuksia, kuten esim. noiden sinisten salamakuvasta näkee, niin oli kauhean vaikea koittaa saada pidettyä silmät auki kameran räpsähtäessä. :'D

  2. What power number did you choose??
